蔡秉言 Jeff Tsai
蔡秉言 Jeff Tsai

2001 年八月生,畢業於世界聯合學院亞美尼亞分校,美國里奇蒙大學大三生。曾任史密森尼民俗中心寫作實習生,常常挑戰做環境復育與生物相關的專案。由於內耗,現在正重新探索什麼對自己最重要。喜歡拍照、煮飯、浮潛及旅遊。目前座標位於巴貝多,明天早八起不起的來還說不準。

August child from 2001. Graduated from United World College Dilijan during COVID. College junior in the University of Richmond. I was a writing intern for the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. Enjoyed challenging myself to take charge of environmental restoration / biology-related projects until I realized my burnout. Currently rediscovering what matters to me. I enjoy photography, cooking, snorkeling, and traveling. Studying abroad at Barbados this semester, cannot handle my 8ams.

Medium member since September 2024
蔡秉言 Jeff Tsai

蔡秉言 Jeff Tsai

A bilingual mind [雙語頻道] - Rooted in Taiwan, grew out of my shell in Armenia, and betting futures in the U.S.